Sunday, June 29, 2008

Two More Purses, Fabric and a Postcard

I'm happy to say that actually accomplished something this weekend! I made two purses -- yes, two -- granted one was a quick-sew project, but still...

This is a pattern by Vanilla House Designs called "My Bag". The pattern states that the bag can be made in one hour and that's an accurate statement, I think. It took me IMG_0078longer IMG_0079

because I made a mistake while cutting out the pieces. I made this bag to "wear" when I take my walks outside. It holds my keys, cell phone, my iPod and a bottle of water. It has a zipper and the angle in the design keeps the bag close to the body so it's not swinging back and forth.

IMG_0082This is just a basic purse (and matching key fob) made from my own pattern. I had one yard of this fabric by Amy Butler it my stash. It's from the "Belle" collection. I'm very happy with the way this bag turned out. I'm hit-and-miss when it comes to Amy Butler's designs. I liked "Charm", "Ginger Bliss" and "Belle", but I really didn't care for "Lotus". I'm still considering "Midwest Modern".

IMG_0086 I found this Project Runway fabric at Hancock Fabrics for 30% off. I'm not wild about the colors, but I like the whimsy of the fabric. It bugs me that the brown background colors on each fabric don't match. The straight pins are on espresso, whereas the print is more a chocolate chip color. I've only seen Season 3 of Project Runway. I remember reading on someone's blog (don't know who) that Season 3 was much better than the first two seasons. If anyone would care to weigh-in with an opinion, I'd appreciate it. I found the entire Season 3 on DVD at Target for $19.99. I later learned that was an excellent price, so I'd like to know about the other seasons, should I ever run across a different season.

On to the postcard: The postmarks on this card are very difficult to read, but it was sent from Philadelphia sometime in December, 1914. The sender's name is "Joe" and it is addressed to:

Mr. Walter Snailman, 53 Round St., New Bedford, Mass. img009

The message is as follows:

"Mr. and Mrs. Walter Snailman,

We often think of you, but never heard a word from you, we would like to hear how you are getting along. We have twins since you were here, we are all well at present. With love to you all. ~Joe

Friday, June 20, 2008

Sewing, a Postcard and Flowers, too!

Wow! The past two weeks have flown by so quickly. So much disaster with the weather here in Indiana. We were blessed considering what others in the state have endured. We were without electrical and phone service for a time. While the lack of electricity caused a panic in relation to our sump pump and basement, my husband was able to stave off the water with the help of a car battery and inverter -- thank God.

I have managed to get some sewing done through all the craziness.

Key fobs -- 75 of them.


Purse #1 -- My own pattern and, as such, I placed the handles too far apart. I'll correct this in the next bag. Orange isn't a color I'm overly fond of, but I'll admit it doesn't bother me with this fabric.


I am happy with how my apron turned out. I hope to have some of these ready for craft shows this fall. I was a fan of aprons long before their current resurgence. :)


My second bag. I corrected the handle placement and I'm really happy with the overall results of this bag. And the "tile" placement turned out great, too (if I do say so myself). :) The fabric is Sandi Henderson's Ginger Blossom. I love this collection (her first, I believe).


I'm working on the Barcelona Skirt pattern by Amy Butler. I'm having sizing issues (sigh).

I realize I'm horribly behind in sharing my antique postcards. I'm sorry. This postcard really grabbed me because it's obviously written by a young girl. Here's postcard #4:












It's postmarked: Vermont (the city is unreadable), December 24, 1913 - 7:oo PM

The recipient is:

Miss Dorothy Britton, Lebanon, N.H., 90 School St.

The message:

from Edna to Dorothy I have got my letter ready to send to santa claus goodby from Edna

I wonder how old Edna was when she wrote this. I'm guessing 9-11 years old. What do you think?

As for flowers, I can hardly believe how well they are doing this year. I mentioned before that I have a brown thumb and that still holds, but this has been the best season ever for my gardening attempts.

My hydrangeas blooming for the first time since they were planted three years ago!









My lavender -- love the color and the scent!









And finally, my clematis on my needs-to-be-replaced garden arch.


Hope all of you have a blessed weekend!

Friday, June 6, 2008

Back in the Day - Penny Postcard #3

I apologize for not posting sooner. My daughter has a friend from college who's staying with us this week and they've been having fun meeting up with other friends from school; so I haven't had a camera. It just dawned on me this morning that I could scan the postcards. This is the first time I've scanned anything with my new-ish printer, but I'm pleased with the results.

About the postcard:

Addressed to:

Mrs. Amanda Lovine (I think that's the surname. Feel free to correct me.)
Murphy, NC
R.R. No 3, Box 42


Atlanta, GA.
December 20, 1911
6:30 p.m.


Dear Sister,
We are all able to be up though none of us so very well except Mother. she don't complain. Write and let us know how all are. Hoping you and yours have a happy Christmas and a very prosperous New Year.
Your sister,

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Monday, June 2, 2008

I've Been Sewing!

Unfortunately, not for me, but at least I'm accomplishing something. I've been sewing burp cloths to sell at upcoming fall craft fairs.

I've never offered these before, so I don't want to make too many. Of course there's no way to tell how many are "too many".

Below is a photo of my serendipitous find last week. I bought it at Meijer for $4.99 -- regular price was 14.99. It's a sturdy little thing, too. :-)

I'll be posting another penny postcard soon!

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Back in the Day - Penny Postcard #2

This penny postcard was mailed to:

Miss Lottie Childs
1174 N. Main St.
Fall River, MA

It is postmarked: Brockton, Mass. - January 1, 1909 at 7:45 p.m.

The message:
I hope you had a pleasant Christmas and are all well and happy. Love and best wishes for the new year.
will write to you soon

Did Rose choose a New Year's card with a pink rose because of her name I wonder? It's funny, I hadn't put the two together until I began typing this post. :-)

Something I noticed while going through the postcards surprised me. I saw many postcards postmarked December 25 and January 1. The thought of the post office being open on a holiday never occurred to me. I remember one in particular that was postmarked Christmas Day at 5:00 a.m.

The destination of this holiday postcard is 1.5 miles from the residence of this infamous Fall River resident.

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Back In the Day

My husband and I were browsing an antique mall last weekend when I spotted a display rack of old holiday penny postcards. My husband kept walking -- he knew from there on out he'd be shopping the rest of the mall solo.

While I'm not a collector per se, I am drawn to the nostalgia of the cards. I enjoy the colorful ephemera, but I only purchase ones that were used for the purpose of their design -- my fancy way of saying "written on". They must have a message and a legible postmark.

If money were no object, I'd have walked out of that booth with 50 postcards. As it is, I bought six; three Christmas, two New Years, and one Valentine. And for those of you who join me in a fondness for items of yesteryear, I'm going to share them with you this week.

This first Christmas card is postmarked: Mount Oliver, PA - 5:30 p.m. - December 22, 1914.

Addressed to: Miss Helen Schick - Dunkirk, Ind.

The message exactly as written:

Dear Cousin,

We all wish you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. Did you folks know Margaret had her baby a girl she calls it Grace Marie.

Cousin Florence

Isn't it something to think that if "baby" Grace Marie is still living, she's 93 or 94 years old?

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